Patricia Arquette calls for wage equality in Oscars speech (VIDEO)

 Patricia Arquette used her Oscars speech to talk equal pay. (Paul Buck/EPA) 
Oscar winner for best supporting actress, for her role in "Boyhood", thanked many in her acceptance speech tonight. Yet at the end of her remarks, she turned to another matter: equal pay for women.
"To every woman who gave birth, to every taxpayer and citizen of this nation, we have fought for everybody else's equal rights," said Arquette, 46, who plays a single mother named Olivia in the film. "It's our time to have wage equality once and for all and equal rights for women in the United States of America."
Arquette's words earned raucous applause and some spirited "YES!" pointing from Meryl Streep, as well as enthusiasm from Jennifer Lopez, her "Boyhood" co-star Ethan Hawke and the film's director, Richard Linklater (see video and GIF below).
Equal pay has been an issue for years and came to the fore last year in Hollywood. Information leaked after a Sony hack revealed a pay gap for women in the company, along with the fact that Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence got paid less than their male counterparts for "American Hustle".


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